Ok so this first one is one I took in Torremolinos last year on holidays ... not to sure what this sign is supposed to mean!

This is the final one from our visit to Spain, now I can't say this picture is in anyway amusing but this cat was deadly ... we named him Moustachio cos he sorta has a moustache, i think he's cute neway....

And finally my bunny wabbid! Last year my room mate decided she wanted to get a rabbit, at first i was going to get one aswel, sense go the better of me though.... then when we went to the pet shop there was only two there, of course in my opinion she didn't pick the cuter one so well then i was overcome with stupidity and decided well if shes not even going to pick the cute one someone has to and I decided that someone would be me .... besides it would be mean to leave the other one there all by itself!!! So i got it anyway and may i just say I thought rabbits would be boring things but they are actually quite mad and very entertaining. Except you have to make sure they don't electrocute themselves cos they like to have a nibble on the wires of the tv... So anyway.... We fed them what you were supposed to feed them but one day I put my glass of dilutable blackcurrent juice on the floor and her comes scampers for an aul nosey.... I was convinced the glass was going to topple over on him ... but it didn't (oh i also got the smart rabbit as while my guy was drinking out of the glass the room mates rabbit was licking the outside of the glass)

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